Happy AMT Day 2024

May 24, 1868 was the birthday of Charles Taylor, an Indiana hog farmer who became the first airplane mechanic. Congress declared May 24 National Aviation Maintenance Technician Day to honor him and the AMTs who followed in his footsteps. Regarded as the father of aviation maintenance, Charles Edward Taylor has become a hero to aircraft maintenance technicians worldwide.
In honor of Aviation Maintenance Technician Day, we've collected materials and resources from our members that can be used in the classroom to commemorate the efforts of aviation maintenance professionals and the achievements of Charles Taylor:
  • A great teaching tool, this 2020 documentary was written and directed by Joshua Lang and honors his life and legacy.
  • A PowerPoint presentation (provided by the Aviation Institute of Maintenance) provides an overview of the life of Charles Taylor.
  • AMT Magazine's May issue included an article written by Charles Taylor in 1948 while he was living in retirement in California. It was first published in Collier's on Dec. 25, 1948 and was reprinted in Air Line Pilot in December 1978. It was provided by Charles Edward Taylor II, the great-grandson of Charles Taylor. It’s well worth the read.
  • Flight Safety Detectives Podcast: John, Greg, and Todd talk about the impacts of Taylor's work in the earliest days of aviation.
  • Watch a video provided by American Airlines about Aviation Maintenance Technicians whose passion for their craft keeps us flying!
More to share? We’ll add to the list each year so send ATEC your contribution!