Choose Aerospace Teacher Training Seminar Highlights

Choose Aerospace recently hosted a highly successful teacher training seminar designed to equip high school educators with the knowledge and resources needed to effectively deliver the Choose Aerospace curriculum. The training was provided by the Aviation Technician Education Council (ATEC) and the ATEC Academy. This free training session, which took place in Tulsa, Oklahoma, drew enthusiastic participation from 21 schools across the nation, bringing together more than 30 dedicated teachers who are committed to fostering the next generation of aviation professionals. The training was provided by six Airframe and Powerplant (A&P) maintenance instructors, who also helped write much of the hands-on curriculum in the Choose Aerospace program. 

Seminar Agenda 
The seminar was structured to provide a comprehensive overview of the Choose Aerospace curriculum, including: 

  1. Introduction and Welcome: A warm welcome to everyone, with time to get to know participants and build peer-networks among teachers. 
  2. Learning Management System (LMS) Deep Dive: An in-depth look at the Choose Aerospace LMS, covering key student and instructor management functions. 
  3. Hands-On Workshops: Practical sessions where teachers engaged in hands-on activities to better understand the curriculum's practical labs. 
  4. Industry Showcase: An exclusive segment where leading aviation employers showcased their organizations and connected with teachers. 

Industry Showcase: Bridging Education and Industry 
One of the seminar's highlights was the Industry Showcase, a unique opportunity for aviation employers to engage directly with educators. This segment was instrumental in forming supportive partnerships between schools and the aviation industry, which ensures that students are well-prepared for their future careers. We acknowledge the vital role of industry support in providing this training at no cost and express our appreciation to the participating organizations. 

Looking Ahead 
We are excited to see the positive impact these well-trained educators will have on their students and the broader aviation community. Choose Aerospace is gearing up for its third academic year, with a 50% increase in participating schools (from 31 schools in 2023-24 to 45 schools in 2024-25) and a 75% increase in total students (574 students in 2023-24 to over 1000 students in 2024-25). Preparing our new teachers for this task is a part of how CA supports its program schools and community organizations. We sincerely thank the master A&P instructors who supported the “train the trainer” three-day session, imparting invaluable knowledge to teachers and bolstering our secondary and community-based aviation programs. 
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