Youth Access to American Jobs in Aviation Task Force (YIATF) Publishes Final Recommendations

Two years ago, the FAA established the Youth Access to American Jobs in Aviation Task Force (YIATF) in response to Section 602, “Youth Access to American Jobs in Aviation Task Force,” of the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 (Pub. L. 115-254).

The group's objective is to encourage high school students to pursue in-demand careers in aviation. The work product provided to Congress sets forth several recommendations for improving aviation career opportunities, those recommendations are grouped in four categories:

  • Early awareness and engagement. Though the task force’s charter targets high school students, the group cautions that industry can’t wait until potential aviators are in high school, the pathway needs to start sooner.
  • Information access. The “connective tissue” of the report’s findings is communication and resource management.
  • Collaboration. All aerospace stakeholders must follow and build on current models (e.g., the aviation workforce grant programs) that stimulate connection among and between employers, schools, community organizations, labor groups, and every level of government.
  • Addressing financial hurdles. Not only is cost a barrier to entry for many careers requiring specific training and/or certification, but there are also structural limitations – including restrictive regulatory practices – that hold back innovation and limit career growth compared to other industries.

Special thanks to ATEC members that served on the task force including ATEC President Jim Hall (WSU Tech), previous ATEC President Ryan Goertzen (AAR Corp), and previous ATEC director Joel English (AIM).

To access the agency’s committee webpage, click here.
To download the report, click here.
To view a recording of the meeting, click here or use the viewer below.
Full analysis by our good friend and aviation workforce news writer Kathryn Creedy is available by clicking here.