Mark Holloway
Executive Director of Aviation Maintenance
Aviation Institute of Maintenance - Corporate
Professional Bio
Mark Holloway started his aviation career in 1987 as a member of the United States Air Force. He worked as a KC135-A crew chief for three years on the flight line and one year on the Phase Inspection Docks. After active duty, he earned his FAA mechanic certificate and was hired to work the C5 Galaxy as an air reserve technician in San Antonio. Here he returned to school and in 1998, completed his bachelor’s degree in career and technology education from Southwest Texas State University. Holloway completed his student teaching at St Phillips College and worked there part-time as an adjunct faculty member until 1999 when he accepted a position with American Trans Air in Indianapolis. While an instructor with ATA, Holloway earned an inspection authorization and began working as a designated mechanic examiner. He was promoted to a supervisory position and was the director of education for ATA when AIM purchased ATA in 2004. At AIM, Holloway has held positions as instructor, director of education, campus executive director, and corporate director of aviation education. During his time with AIM, he was also able to complete a master’s degree in technical education from Ball State University.
Virginia Beach, VA 23452 757.363.2121 http://www.aviationmaintenance.edu

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